Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This is my last post till atleast the 15th! I will be leaving for Hawaii and I can't freaking wait. I am Glowing with a tan and weighing 189! I am so happy haha. We have a total of 14 friends and family going with us. We rented this super awesome house from that will fit all of us... so much cheaper than 7 hotels a night.

I will be sure to post lots of pictures when I return. I can't wait to see the pictures that everyone else takes. I get to see myself from all other angles. I don't know why I find that interesting.... before I would of hit from the camera..... Now I wanna be in all the pictures!


Anonymous said...

SO JEALOUS YOU BIOTCH !! LMAO Kidding cant wait to see pictures !! you do deserve this !!!
Congrats !

Beth said...

Which island?? I know you probably said, but I'm sure I missed it.

Went to the Big Island in October and loooooved it. Enjoy!!!

Lap Band Journey said...

Kauai and possibly Oahu if I am feeling adventurous!