Thursday, April 9, 2009

Still on a Plateau

Unfortunately I don't have anything to report on the weight loss front. I am still stuck at 90lbs lost. Eventually I will find the motivation to actually get over this hump. For now though I feel like I have lost inches or toned up or something because clothes are looser even though the numbers aren't moving.

Last night I went and picked up my Escalade... It's pretty! Now my Doggies have alot of room in the back to run around.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Okay, this is what my nutritionist said to me when I went in for my fill the other day after I had spent the last month between 242 and 244 -- next time take a day or two and go on liquids to shake things up a bit. It should break it. Don't know if it'll help ya, but worth a try, no? :)