Monday, December 29, 2008

5 day pouch test... Getting back on track!

Well no news to report in the weight loss front. I can deal with that though... The scale was very much in my favor the last week so I thought I would not be so hard on myself if it didn't budge.

I found a thread on LBT about the 5 day pouch test and detoxing after all the wonderful things that everyone eats during the holidays. So... I am joining in. I think this is good for everyone to do (unless they have medical issues)I am beginning my run of it with 1 day on liquids.. This is just to clear myself out a little. Then onto the 5 day test. I am not really excited about doing it but I need to get back into the bandster swing of things. I have been a slow loser for a couple months and this might jump start me again and get me outta the old habits.

Here is the thread that Boo Boo Kitty began :


Here is how you take the 5 day test ( you don't need to buy the book it's all posted online)

5 day Pouch test

If you want to join in and be very supportive of all the other LBT'ers by all means please join in.

We check the negatives at the door on this thread please.

P.S here's a pic of my pearl ear rings I got for xmas!

1 comment:

55% off said...

this is something i've always wanted to try. please post on how you do with it!! i'm very curious!

good luck!